The 6 Biggest Mistakes Recruits Make in Tactical Fitness

(U.S. Air Force/Senior Airman Alyssa Van Hook)

If you are thinking about serving in the military and doing research, thanks for considering serving your country and community in something greater than yourself. As a military recruit, the first obstacles for many are meeting the physical fitness and height/weight standards just to qualify.

The physical fitness standards to serve are not insurmountable. In fact, the basics of military service are quite achievable if you are physically active. However, if you are sedentary or have not trained for quite some time, military service's physical and height/weight standards may seem impossible in your condition. That thinking could not be further from the truth.

Many people have lost 100-plus pounds and achieved above-average physical condition enough to serve in physically taxing jobs within the military, such as infantry and even special operations programs.

Unfortunately, many military recruits make some common mistakes when it comes to tactical fitness training that can have serious consequences. To ensure that you get the most out of your tactical fitness routine, here are some of the biggest mistakes you should avoid.

1. Time

Not giving yourself enough time to prepare is the No. 1 mistake and typically leads to failure or injury (see latest statistics). My recommendation is to not even talk to a recruiter until you can meet and exceed the physical standards. If you want a recruiter to take you seriously, show up for your "job interview" ready to go and knowing what you want to do in the service.

You should aim to give yourself at least six months of specific training to prepare for the physical demands of military service if you want to get selected for the training and get through basic training and beyond. Learn about the phases of tactical fitness:

Phase 1 -- Get to the Training by acing the fitness test requirements.
• Phase 2 -- Get Through the Training by preparing to meet and exceed the standards set for your future basic training and follow-on schools like Airborne/Ranger, EOD/Dive School, Infantry or other physically demanding special ops schools.

2. Lack of Knowledge

Not knowing military requirements and expectations or what job you want to do in the military is a big red flag in a recruiter's office. You may not get the job best suited for your tastes and more of what the military needs if you go into the recruiter's office unprepared.

Every branch of the military has specific physical fitness requirements that you must meet and hundreds of jobs to offer in each. Familiarizing yourself with the requirements and opportunities before beginning your training program will ensure that you are working toward the right goals and can measure your progress accurately.

Not only should you know these standards, but you should be scoring well above the minimum standards if you want to do well when attending basic training or boot camp. It is not just physical standards you should learn about prior to joining.

You should also be well aware of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests, medical screenings and other requirements that may require greater effort with studying, waiver processes or just getting your affairs in order. Not scoring well on the ASVAB may prevent you from doing a job you are interested in pursuing.

3. Gear Preparation

This refers to not having the right equipment or at least being resourceful with what you have. Proper equipment is essential when it comes to tactical fitness training, but you do not need much.

Having the right gear such as backpacks or weight vests, running shoes, pull-up bars, adjustable dumbbells and suspension trainers can help you get the most out of your training and reach the physical fitness standards you need without having to join a gym. However, joining a gym and having access to strength training equipment and non-impact cardio options are all very helpful with aiding in your preparation training.

4. Training Plans

Another mistake is not having a plan. Going into tactical fitness training without a plan can be disastrous. Make sure you have a plan that outlines what exercises you will be required to perform during tests and daily tactical training events.

Remember that you need time to train to get prepared for both phases of tactical fitness (to and through the training). Many military recruits make the mistake of focusing too much on strength training. While strength training is important for physical performance, it's only one component of a balanced tactical fitness routine.

You should also make sure to incorporate endurance (run, ruck or swim), muscle stamina (calisthenics), agility drills, flexibility/mobility and grip training. This will help you build a well-rounded "tactical athlete" that can be an asset in any situation.

5. Don't Skip Stretching and Mobility Training

Many military recruits neglect stretching and mobility exercises, but they can help you stay flexible, reduce injury risk and improve overall performance, especially in events that involve running, obstacle courses, swimming, treading and throwing. Make sure you are stretching before and after every workout and incorporating mobility drills into your routine.

6. Push Yourself: One Day Your Fitness May Save Your Life (Or Your Buddy's)

Finally, one of the biggest mistakes military recruits make is not pushing themselves hard enough. Your tactical fitness training should challenge you to your perceived limits without pushing too hard and injuring yourself.

There is a fine line between building mental and physical toughness and stupidity. Listen to your body and use common sense, so you do not injure yourself and then are unable to train for weeks because you lifted too much, ran too far or did too many reps.

However, if you are going to push hard, make sure you are getting enough of the right fuel in your body: protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats and water. If you want to get stronger, build muscle, fuel your workouts, avoid dehydration or heat casualties and properly recover from a hard day's work, learn how to eat and drink properly. Keep in mind that you will likely be subject to all types of climates, depending on when and where you train and deploy.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your tactical fitness routine is effective and helps you prepare for the rigors of military life. It is proven that military recruits who adopt a comprehensive tactical fitness routine experience improved physical and mental performance. So don't forget to take the time to get it right.

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you're looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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