The Perfect Workout Pyramids and super-set workouts are a great foundation builder, as well as a proven maintenance method for calisthenics-based...
Swimming Intervals: The Century Challenge This swimming challenge is sure to level up your swimming workouts. Try the 1:30 Interval Challenge.
Ask Stew: Continue Training Even with Swimming Injury fitness guru Stew Smith fields a question from a retired Navy master chief on how to continue a swim workout...
Top 5 Reasons to Add Swimming into Your Workout Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL vet and's tactical fitness expert, gives you five reasons why you should add swimming...
Ask Stew: Army Retiree Seeks Swimming Advice Stew Smith,'s resident tactical fitness guru, answers a question from an Army retiree about incorporating...
Swimming with Fins: Flippers, SCUBA to Rocket Fin Progression The type of fins you use for pool swimming depends on your training goals.
Ask Stew: Swimming for Special Ops Stew Smith,'s tactical fitness expert, responds to a reader about how to increase your swimming performance for...
Ask Stew – Losing Momentum During Timed Swim Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, responds to a Navy service member training for...
Workout of the Week: Adding Drills During Rest Periods Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran and's tactical fitness expert, offers his workout of the week.
Friday Swim Workouts of the Week: Military Prep If you are preparing for military swimming, diving, treading and general water-confidence tests, make sure you practice with...
The Best Exercises to Pair with Deadlifts for Military Fitness Training Exercises such as deadlifts and squats are foundational to load-bearing strength and transfer well into military activities...
Changes Are Coming to Army Ranger Fitness Tests. Here’s How to Prepare for Them The evolution of testing and training has affected the Ranger School and Ranger Assessment and Selection Program, with a new...
6 Honest Questions to Ask Yourself When You're Not Seeing Fitness Results Not seeing results in your efforts toward any health and fitness goal is frustrating, especially if you have been diligently...
The Best Workout to Prepare for Advanced Military Training Programs Combining cardio workouts such as running, rucking and swimming with other load-bearing activities is necessary for those...
The Age Ranges for Joining US Military Special Operations Programs You have many options that may or may not require an age waiver. It's time to get to work on that dream job.