ASVAB Scores and Navy Jobs Your ASVAB score will determine which Navy jobs you qualify for. Every Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) has different ASVAB...
ASVAB Scores and Air Force Jobs Your ASVAB score will determine which Air Force jobs (AFSC) you qualify for. Every Air Force job has different ASVAB score...
5 Lucrative Tech Careers to Pursue in 2015 If you're thinking about a post-military career and don't have any strong preferences, why not go big with tech?
10 Top Jobs for Work-Life Balance If you're transitioning out of the military, think about searching for a job that provides good work-life balance.
10 Most Stressful Jobs of 2014 If you're looking for work in 2014, you may want to avoid any of the 10 most stressful jobs unless you can handle the...
Join the Air Force Opportunities abound if you choose to join the U.S. Air Force, the branch of the military that defends the nation through...
Navy ROTC Summer Training A significant portion of midshipmen's professional training during their four-year curriculum is received during summer...
Navy ROTC Officer Career Options The Navy ROTC offers several career paths for young men and women interested in serving as officers in the U.S. Navy.
Everything You Need to Know About Joining the Air Force Need answers to basic questions about joining and serving in the Air Force? You can find them here.
Top 6 Lucrative Careers You Haven't Considered When planning your transition, you could do worse than to determine which careers provide both stability and financial...
For Soldiers at Fort Carson, Food Is Scarce As Americans gather for Thanksgiving feasts, soldiers at Fort Carson, Colorado, are contending with a far less festive...
The Army Needs Hundreds of Officers to Leave Combat Arms Lieutenants currently branched in armor, infantry, combat engineer and field artillery can apply between Jan. 7 and Feb. 17...
Stealth Destroyer to Be Home for 1st Hypersonic Weapon on a US Warship Hypersonic weapons travel beyond Mach 5, five times the speed of sound, with added maneuverability making them harder to...
Here Is the 2025 Pay Raise for Disabled Veterans and Military Retirees Military retirees and disabled veterans will receive 2.5% increases to their monthly paychecks for 2025, thanks to the annual...
Trump's Picks for Key Positions in His Second Administration Some of his choices could face difficult confirmation fights in the Senate, even with Republicans in control, and one...