College Credit for Military Experience Many colleges award veterans credit towards a degree based on military training, coursework, and occupational specialties
Get the Facts on Getting College Credit for Service Most veterans have been told that they can get college credit for military service. But, most never get the whole story.
The Joint Services Transcript The Joint Services Transcript (JST) provides a description of military schooling and work history in civilian language.
Navy SMART replaced by the Joint Service Transcript The Joint Service Transcript assists servicemembers in obtaining college credit for military training and occupational...
New Michigan Law Gives College Credit for Military Experience Law ensures colleges inform students of ability to use military experience, schools, and training towards civilian degree
The End of Paper-Based CLEPs All CLEP Examinations are administered via a computer, however special accommodations may be made for disabled persons.
Finding Education Pathways to Success As the discussion surrounding veterans’ education continues, Americans are looking to institutions of higher education to...
ACE and Wal-Mart Team-up to Offer Veteran Grants "Wal-Mart is proud to support institutions and programs that help our veterans get the resources they need to succeed in...
College Credit for SeaBees Following a review of career paths for Seabees the American Council on Education has released updated college credit...
What's the Big Deal About the New DoD MOU So what's all the fuss about the new DoD MOU? Why all the consternation among members of higher education?
Supreme Court Upholds VA Court Decision Not to Review 'Benefit-of-the-Doubt' Evidence in Veterans' Claims In a 7-2 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court said last week that, while the Department of Veterans Affairs should favor veterans...
The Medal of Honor Fraud Case that Took Stolen Valor to the Extreme H.L.I. Lordship Industries of Long Island, New York, admitted to selling unauthorized versions of the Medal of Honor, the...
The Army Is Losing Nearly One-Quarter of Soldiers in the First 2 Years of Enlistment The Army is grappling with a staggering attrition rate among newly enlisted troops, even as recent recruiting figures suggest...
5 Reasons Veterans Are Especially Hard-Hit by Federal Cuts For the past month, the Trump administration has been cutting federal spending, causing numerous hardships for government...
Court-Martial Convenes for Pentagon Leaker Already Facing Years Behind Bars A military court-martial convened for Massachusetts Air National Guard member Jack Teixeira, who was sentenced in federal...