Here's How to Actually Thank Veterans for Their Service

Two veterans sit on a bench.
Staff Sgt. Robert Gross, 30th Civil Engineering Squadron utility outage administrator, visits with a homeless veteran during the 2019 Santa Barbara County Veteran Stand Down event Oct. 19, 2019, in Santa Maria, California. (Hanah Abercrombie/U.S. Air Force photo)

Honoring veterans goes beyond ceremonies, parades, or words of gratitude. While these gestures are well-intentioned, the true way to honor veterans is through actions that address their needs and challenges.

As a Marine veteran, I've heard the "thank you for your service" phrase again and again, especially during Veterans Day celebrations. Maybe I should feel honored, but more often, I feel annoyed because it can come across like an empty gesture. I often wonder how many people really think about what service truly means or have ever talked with a former service member about life in the military.

Veterans sacrificed not just in what they did during their time in the military, but in what they didn't do or have: the typical entry-level positions or a 9-to-5 job that provides career advances, a competitive salary and time to enjoy quality time with their family and friends.

Too often, we think holding a parade or shaking a veteran's hand is the extent of our duty to them. But if we really want to honor veterans, we should do something more substantive. What you do for a veteran is often more important than what you say.

Here are 10 ideas how you can actually help veterans and really thank them for their service.

1. Write a Check 

Countless veterans organizations could use extra cash for programs that help wounded warriors, assist current service members who are having financial difficulties and give job counseling to people leaving the military. You could research an organization on your own or ask a veteran for their input.

2. Donate Your Frequent-Flyer Miles 

Do you travel a lot for work or pleasure? If you collect frequent-flyer miles, you can donate them. Consider donating some to the Fisher House Foundation's Hero Miles Program, which helps family members be close to the bedsides of loved ones who were injured.

3. Offer Your Expertise 

You know the old saying "time is money." Instead of giving cash, you could also give some of your time to a veterans group. Think about which skills you have from your job which might be beneficial. Do you work in construction? You could help build houses for wounded veterans.

4. Bring in a Veteran Speaker 

There's a reason people say that someone was telling "war stories." Veterans have great insight into leadership, crisis management and personal grit. The next time you're planning a corporate event, look into bringing a speaker who served in the military.

5. Hire a Veteran 

If you work in any kind of management position, you can help your business or nonprofit improve its veteran hiring practices. A great place to start is PsychArmor, a nonprofit organization that provides top-class, free webinars on how to find, hire, train and retain veterans and military spouses.

6. Hire a Military Spouse or Caregiver 

Supporting military families is as important as supporting veterans themselves. Consider hiring military spouses or caregivers at your next job opening. They are often incredibly talented, educated and professional.

7. Donate Pro Bono Hours

 If you are a lawyer, donate your pro bono hours to a veterans law school clinic or participate in a program supporting veterans in need through your state bar association. Many vulnerable vets face legal challenges not only related to their compensation claims with the Department of Veterans Affairs, but also regarding upgrading their discharges, landlord/tenant issues, criminal defense and bankruptcy.

8. Earmark Your Donations

 If you donate money to your alma mater, consider earmarking your donations specifically to support programs and services supporting veterans. Also consider contributing to scholarships at your university that are set aside specifically for veterans. Nonprofit organizations such as Four Block provide critical services to student veterans as they prepare for internships and then jobs in the private sector.

9. Volunteer 

If you prefer to focus on grassroots efforts, support and interact with organizations that connect veterans with outside resources. These resources could include agencies that hire and support veterans, businesses that want to hire vets or include veteran-owned businesses in their supply chain, universities that provide vet services, and a multitude of veterans service organizations. Some examples include Team Rubicon, American Legion, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), the Wounded Warrior Project and Hire Heroes USA.

10. Use a Veteran-Owned Business 

About 7% of the 32 million small businesses in the U.S. are veteran-owned. You could support veteran entrepreneurship by frequenting those businesses or adding them to your company's supply chain. Learn more from the Coalition for Veteran Owned Business.

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