How to Resist the Urge to Reenlist

Giant arm and hand reaching for running man

Nobody likes you when you're 23, says the blink-182 birthday anthem. This can feel especially true when you are young enlisted. That is, until it is your time to reenlist. Then every E-8 and E-9 comes out of the woodwork to let you know all the wonderful things the Marine Corps, Army, Navy, Air Force or Coast Guard can do for you, buddy.

It is a hard reenlist pitch to resist for young enlisted. It is even more difficult when you are not sure what kind of work you would do outside the military. The senior enlisted can smell you dither. If you are a pretty decent person, they want you to stay in. Good 23-year-olds are hard to find.

So the senior enlisted arrive at your decision armed with their retention goals, their statistics, their benefit packages, their bonuses. They slather on plenty of praise. They know how to woo you, which is good. You deserve a good woo.

Because staying in the military can be a great thing. So can getting out. Yet at, we see how most young enlisted go into that reenlistment battle armed with nothing but a slingshot of desire. You are pretty sure you want to get out, but your strength is compromised, because you aren't sure what you would do. Or what kind of training you could get. Or how you would pay your bills while you train for the next job.

This is where we come in. At, we want every veteran to find rewarding work as a result of military service. Our FREE Transition Master Classes are designed to help you find your next high-impact job fast. This includes you, Young Enlisted. Especially you. Particularly you.

You need your own tools and strategies designed for your career level so you can put together a well thought-out plan before the senior enlisted ever find out you are up for reenlistment.

Our Young Enlisted Master Class teaches you how to figure out exactly what you want to do and where you want to do it. Since you don't have time to sort through the 45,000 programs that serve veterans, we back up our Young Enlisted Master Class with a curated selection of programs from the best veterans service organizations in the country.

In just 60 minutes, you can expect to:

  1. Discover the easy way to identify the right job just for you.
  2. Explore how you can try out your new career and get someone else to pay for it.
  3. Learn how to work your benefits so you make the most of your opportunities.
  4. Determine surprising ways to build support for your plans.

The military is a great start for young enlisted, but the transition to civilian life doesn't come easy. Our FREE 60-Minute Young Enlisted Master Class will let you make your reenlistment decision with power and confidence. Sign up today.

Learn More About the Veteran Employment Project

To get more tips on how to make a successful military transition, sign up for one of our FREE Military Transition Master Classes today. You can view previous classes in our video library. Questions for Jacey? Visit our Facebook page.

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