Escape TAP and Discover Transition Master Classes

Goldfish jumping from fishbowl

What is so hard about a military transition that we make everyone take a mandatory 40-hour Transition Assistance Program (TAP) class? Answer: Nothing. After 40 hours of instruction, I want to learn something really necessary, such as how to jump out of a plane if it catches fire. Or how to perform an emergency tracheotomy on myself. Or how to tap-dance so well that Megan Thee Stallion comes calling.

Lucky for you, there is no tap-dancing in TAP class. Instead, the whole program is designed to make sure every person who ever joined the military has 100% of the information they might need to get any job on the planet. Whether you were in the military for four days or four decades, the program was built with the assumption that you know nothing about getting a job and need everything.

Which is nice, really. Diligent. Thoughtful. Caring. The problem is, you personally came into the room with 90% of the material they planned to cover about how to get a job. No matter how hard you tried, you probably missed the truly valuable nuggets, because you were half asleep in your chair.

I feel for you, man. While no one can get you out of attending TAP, I thought we could do one better for you. So I got together with to put together our FREE Transition Master Class Series for the Veteran Talent Pool. Master classes are a long-standing tradition in music, writing and dance. In a master class, groups of advanced students are invited to meet with an expert in their art for a high-level lesson. We wanted that for you, too.

Instead of the fire-hose approach you suffer through at TAP, we have drilled down to the strategies you need most at your career level delivered in a 60-minute online class. By offering a master class for each group based on career experience level, we can zero in on the essentials for that group alone. We don't have to do the basics. We get to stick to pointed, insightful, spare-no-prisoners strategies.

Sign up for one of our upcoming master classes now.

Reverse Resume Master Class: How to Fix Your Resume When You Get Nothing But Crickets

You put a lot of work into your résumé, but you are getting no requests for interviews. There is nothing wrong with you. There is something wrong with your résumé. Let's fix it in this 60-minute session.

Young Enlisted Master Class: Make Your First Million

Some of the greatest people our country ever produced got their start enlisting in the military. Now that you have completed your service, your next step is essential. Let's look at the strategies that lead to financial and career success for you.

Junior Officers Master Class: A Second Bite at the Apple

You were made for a great career. Now that you can combine your college education with real work experience, recruiters, veterans service organizations (VSOs) and companies have opportunities for you. Find out how to navigate all those options and make your next job pay off.

Midlevel Pros Master Class: Everybody Wants You

Enlisted or officer, our outstanding VSOs are primed and ready to offer you the experiences and certifications you need to get to the employers who want to hire you. Let us help you sort through those secret paths to work your way in.

Senior Military Master Class: The Good Guy Network

After 20+ years of military service, you already have a professional network. Find out how to make it work for you without ever begging for a job.

Veterans+ Master Class: Brave New World

We know from the research that 66% of veterans leave their first civilian job within the first two years. You are normal. Now that you collected more information about yourself and the world you are working in, find the direction you need to discover your next opportunity.

Spouse Master Class

We know that spouse employment is not a spouse problem; it is a whole-life family problem to solve as a family. Learn how the two of you can navigate this obstacle course to get where you want to go.

Learn More About the Veteran Employment Project

To get more tips on how to make a successful military transition, sign up for one of our FREE Military Transition Master Classes today. You can view previous classes in our video library. Questions for Jacey? Visit our Facebook page.

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