How Veterans Can Get the Same ‘Reskilling’ Training Open to Civilians

(U.S. Army photo)

Whether we call it "reskilling" or "upskilling," the outcome is the same. The process simply takes an existing employee from a declining industry or career field and teaches them the skills required to work in an up-and-coming one. This means the worker can improve their career trajectory without the need for lengthy and often expensive education courses at college or universities.

Intellectual Point is a Northern Virginia-based information technology training and workforce development company that provides reskilling training and certifications to those looking to switch careers. To do this, it uses in-person and virtual training courses to certify those individuals looking for the most in-demand careers in IT today, including programs in Python, Blockchain and ethical hacking, just to name a few.

The company offers this training to anyone who can meet the requirements of the programs and can attend classes, either online or in person. Now, Intellectual Point is looking to assist its veteran graduates gain meaningful employment after completing its programs.

Intellectual Point is a great reskilling resource for separating veterans. The company is approved for the VA's Veteran Employment Through Technology Education Courses for Training Providers (VET TEC) program. as well as the Veteran Rapid Retraining Assistance Program (VRRAP) program, both of which pay for the veteran's training at Intellectual Point.

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Veterans studying at Intellectual Point also can attend training through the Defense Department's SkillBridge program, which allows the service member to work through its training courses during the last 180 days of their service, all while receiving full pay and benefits. Intellectual Point also is approved for COOL funding with the Army and Air Force.

After completing a training and certification course, Intellectual Point's Office of Veteran Services will help vets with their new resume, complete their LinkedIn profile and (if possible) place them in a job through their corporate partners.

"Because there's so many resources available to veterans, sometimes it's a little bit overwhelming to know where to go," says Lindsay King, Intellectual Point's director of veteran services. "What we try to do is to create partnerships so that we can connect particular veteran graduates with the proper resources and the best opportunities for them."

King has a lot of experience working in higher education in general, and with veterans specifically. She's worked as the veterans admissions officer at a handful of educational institutions as well as a military specialist at the American Council on Education.

"Our program aims to get the graduate to meaningful employment after they complete our program," she says. "The majority of our student population is transitioning, whether that is a transitioning service member or someone who's coming to us from a declining industry. So we've really tried to provide a holistic support model. We're not trying to produce graduates; we're trying to get people to their overall goal of higher employment."

Everyone interested in becoming an Intellectual Point student first must submit a resume, whether they're currently employed or not, for the program to assess their best career opportunities. Then after submitting their interest form, the veteran will meet with one of the company's career counselors to get a feel for their individual interests and goals and determine the best way forward.

"It's about giving that extra 'white glove' walkthrough, if you will," King says. "Once we find the program or career pathway to put them into, then they would go through that training, pass their certifications and meet a career services specialist to connect them with opportunities."

To browse the skills and certifications available to Intellectual Point students, visit its skills assessment page. To get started with Intellectual Point, fill out an interest form on its website.

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