Six High-Paying Jobs That Are Not Usually Considered Navigating a tough economy isn't easy, but picking a career path and sticking to it can provide focus and drive.
Some Unexpected Jobs Where You Could Earn Six-Figure Salaries Is there work in the six-figure salary range that doesn't require a college degree?
Seven Steps to Jump-start a Career Change Use these strategies to overcome the enormous challenges the career-change process presents.
Seven Employer Danger Signs You'll want to avoid working for a miserable company, but how can you spot a bad company to work for?
Why You Should Pursue a Second Degree for Your Tech Career? Think you want another degree? Join the club. Many techies pursue graduate degrees as a way to advance their careers, hone an...
6 Job Search Tips for Seasoned Workers For seasoned workers, it is important not to give a company any reason to think you are disgruntled after not landing a job.
Why Searching for a New Job on Vacation Is Smart If the last day of your vacation finds you dreading Monday back at work, consider using your next vacation to find a new job.
Nonprofit Provides Scuba Diving Opportunities for Veterans Veterans with experience in scuba diving should look into Force Blue, helping with job placement, career counseling and PTSD...
How to Say No to a Permanent Job The company you're temping for just offered you a full-time gig. Fantastic, right? Wrong.
What a Sample Approach Letter Looks Like You're interested in a potential employer, but you need to introduce yourself and tell them what you can do for the company...