Idris Elba Explores the Lost Stories of World War II Service Members of Color in Nat Geo's 'Erased' In the timeline of a conflict as long and sprawling as World War II, even the most courageous stories of valor were bound to...
How You Can Help the 'Band of Brothers' Cast Recreate Easy Company's Drop into Normandy 80 Years Later Donations to the nonprofit event will cover the cost of the "Placid Lassie" C-47 Skytrain, equipment for the jump and...
‘Unconventional’ Demystifies Military Life While Showing the Power of a New Generation of Veterans "Unconventional" is a Newsweek web series hosted by Navy veteran, former spy and author of "How to Catch a Russian Spy"...
Vets in Hollywood and TV In this episode we examine the history of the military, Hollywood and the veterans who brought real-as-can-be portrayals of...
The 9 Biggest Military Dirtbags in Movies and Television Most U.S. military veterans are uncomfortable with civilians calling them "heroes," but there are a few who should definitely...
Watching the Emotional 'Bluey' Episode 'The Sign' as a Military Parent A recent episode of the beloved Australian cartoon may strike a nerve with military families.
Veterans Ronnie Adkins and Rudy Reyes Bring Combat Experience to the History Channel's 'The Proof Is Out There: Military Mysteries' Adkins and Reyes are looking at stories that deal with real people and events that occurred during World War II, Korea...
How the OJ Simpson Verdict Overshadowed a Watershed Moment for Atomic Veterans Clinton's apology was a major moment for many "atomic veterans" who had been effectively forbidden from even seeking medical...
PBS' 'After Action' Takes a Personal Look at the Lives of Veterans Forever Changed by Military Service Stacy Pearsall is one of the most decorated military combat photographers in history, a recipient of the Bronze Star, an Air...
'Band of Brothers,' 'The Pacific' and 'Masters of the Air,' Ranked Ranking Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg's groundbreaking World War II series.
The Army Needs Hundreds of Officers to Leave Combat Arms Lieutenants currently branched in armor, infantry, combat engineer and field artillery can apply between Jan. 7 and Feb. 17...
For Soldiers at Fort Carson, Food Is Scarce As Americans gather for Thanksgiving feasts, soldiers at Fort Carson, Colorado, are contending with a far less festive...
Marine Corps Brings in Civilians to Tackle Barracks Management, Repairs in Decades-Old Housing The Marine Corps is expanding its plan to put civilians in its barracks manager program, a move intended to improve decades...
Air Force's New Deployment Model Sparks Criticism, Staffing Concerns at Bases Some Air Force officials are concerned by the service's innovative deployment model, a new government watchdog report...
Family of Airman Killed in Japan Osprey Crash Files Wrongful Death Lawsuit Scrutiny of the military's Osprey aircraft is ramping up as family members of an Air Force special operations airman who was...