Why Spouses Should Take Advantage of Transition Classes Use all your family member benefits while you can.
This Is How We Bridge That Civilian-Military Divide How do we bridge the divide between military and civilians? Hint: It's going to take a little action.
5 Things You Shouldn't Worry About During Military Transition There are a million things you really should worry about during military transitions, but here are five common concerns you...
Can't Make Military Transition Class? There's an App for That You're dealing with the now while planning for the transition unknown. That's why we have the Transition app.
My Soldier is Being Separated, Unexpectedly One spouse shares how her soldier faced an unexpected end of service with the Army, and how they overcame it.
Transition Without Fighting: Handling Your Emotions An employment expert who specializes in conflict management offers great advice on dealing with transition.
Transition: 5 Mistakes You Must Avoid Six months after they left the Marine Corps, one wife lists what NOT to say to your spouse as they transitions to civilian...
Transition May Mean Back to Work for Spouses Transition is newly on your horizon. There are a few financially responsible things spouses need to do today for their...
4 Cool Ways For Spouses To Drive Transition Transition is not just a veterans' issue -- it is a military family issue.
Real Spouse Transition: They Stayed at Their Duty Station Julie Provost is known in the military spouse community as the brains behind Soldier's Wife, Crazy Life, a popular blog site.
2024 Veterans Day Free Meals and Restaurant Deals and Discounts Restaurants are saluting Veterans Day with free meals and discounts for veterans, service members and their families.
Senior Enlisted Marine Reduced to Sergeant for Wearing Unauthorized Awards, Including Purple Heart Per a plea agreement, then-Sgt. Maj. Charlie Clawson was reduced in rank after a Sept. 13 court-martial found him in...
Army Investigating Gen. Kurilla, Head of Central Command, over Allegations He Shoved an Airman One of the Pentagon's top generals is under investigation for allegedly shoving an airman on a flight in early September, a...
2024 Veterans Day Retail Deals and Discounts Businesses are saluting Veterans Day with a host of discounts and freebies for veterans, service members and their families.
Marine Corps Blames Pilot Error for Crash of Malfunctioning F-35 in South Carolina Forest An F-35B Lightning II fighter jet that crashed in South Carolina last year had an electrical malfunction, and the pilot...