Major Veterans Legislation Winding Through Congress Lots of changes for military members and veterans are included in House amendments to legislation.
FEDVIP Extends Military Retiree Dental, Vision Enrollment Window Military retiree procrastinators get extra time to sign up for dental and vision plans.
'Blue Water Navy' Backers Press Trump to Pressure Senators Seven groups wrote the president, saying his support could push Congress to approve the legislation.
VA Makes It Easier to Share Your Health Information with Private Doctors An update to the VA's Blue Button system makes sharing health info with your personal doctor easier
Scientists Recommend Health Monitoring for Gulf War, Post-9/11 Vets, Offspring An influential non-profit says the VA and DoD should track troops and their children for environment-related conditions.
Pressure, Compromise Keep Hope Alive for 'Blue Water Navy' Bill Four veterans groups and a prominent military association have joined forces to try to push the legislation through Congress.
Almost Half of Retiree Tricare Dental Users Could Soon Be Uninsured Of the 800,000 military retirees who currently use Tricare's retiree dental program, only about 420,000 have signed-up for a...
Blue Water Navy Bill Sinking in Senate Despite Late-Hour Talks As many as 90,000 ailing "Blue Water Navy" veterans are likely to have to wait for a new Congress to see legislation passed.
VA Seeks Input on Caregiver Benefits With the VA’s caregiver program set to expand, the agency needs your help to know how to make it better.
Post-9/11 GI Bill Payment Delays Nearly Over, VA Leaders Promise The VA saw pending claims from Post-9/11 GI Bill participants peak in September at 207,000, three times higher than normal.
The Army Is Losing Nearly One-Quarter of Soldiers in the First 2 Years of Enlistment The Army is grappling with a staggering attrition rate among newly enlisted troops, even as recent recruiting figures suggest...
The Medal of Honor Recipient Erased in the Pentagon's DEI Purge Private 1st Class Harold Gonsalves received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his heroic actions during the Battle of...
Army Pulls Back Household Goods Shipments as Privatized Moving Contract Leads to Widespread Issues A memo from the Army Personal Property Lead Element, dated Feb. 28, told transportation offices to "pull back" some Army...
Pentagon Caps Civilians' Government Charge Cards at $1, Limits Travel as Part of Trump Cuts Amid mass firings, the Pentagon has effectively put a halt on the use of travel and purchasing credit cards by its civilian...
During Deadly Osprey Crash, Marine's Heroism Helped Crew Escape Fiery Wreckage The pilots and crew chief were "calm, cool and collected," Capt. Joshua Watson said, even as the two Ospreys nearly collided...