Featured State Benefits: Delaware


Vet­er­ans who don’t take advan­tage of their state pro­vided vet ben­e­fits are miss­ing out big time.  Unfortunately some vets don’t even know that their state pro­vides ben­e­fits that go beyond Fed­eral Depart­ment of Vet­eran Affairs (VA) benefits.

Each week this blog high­lights a dif­fer­ent state with the goal of help­ing Vet­er­ans dis­cover their great untapped state benefits.

This Week, the First State of the Union: Delaware
Vet­er­ans of the U.S. Armed Forces who live in Delaware have access to sev­eral state funded ben­e­fits includ­ing vet­eran homes, tax exemp­tions, vet­eran employ­ment preference,  education benefits, hunting and fishing privileges, and more.

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