Mughniyeh Done in by Hezbollah



Killing off your [erstwhile] allies...?

Our friend Aharon Etingoff sends me this from the JP:

'Arabs helped Mossad kill Mughniyeh'

Syrian sources claim that several Arab nations conspired with Mossad to assassinate Hizbullah chief of operations Imad Mughniyeh earlier this month, the London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi daily stated on Wednesday.

According to the report, which could not be confirmed by any official source, Syria was making significant progress in the investigation of Mughniyeh's death, and would publish the results of its inquiry following the Arab league summit in Damascus in March.

Meanwhile, Kuwaiti newspaper Al Seyassah reported Wednesday that Hizbullah was preventing Syrian investigators from questioning three senior members of the organization, fearing that Syria would blame the Lebanese terror organization for the assassination.

The paper asserted that Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah may have had a motive to have Mughniyeh killed, due to what it said was an attempt by Iran to strengthen the latter at the expense of Nasrallah following what Teheran termed Hizbullah's "failures" under Nasrallah during the Second Lebanon War.

This seems to me to be the most plausible explanation so far. And the most conspiratorially Machiavellian....

-- Christian

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