Veterans Life Insurance Overview

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Before making a transition from military service you may want to ensure the peace of mind and the financial security that come from knowing your family is protected, no matter what happens. VA provides several low-cost life insurance options The following is a summary of veterans life insurance and what you need to know:

Current VA Life Insurance Programs

For current life insurance programs offered by the VA, check out our detailed pages describing each:

Previous VA Life Insurance Programs

Through the years, the VA has run several life insurance programs. If you or a loved one wants more information about these programs check out the VA's Insurance page.

ProgramBeginning DateEnding Date for New IssuesPolicy Letter Prefix
U.S. Government (USGLI)May 1919April 24, 1951K
National Service (NSLI)Oct. 8, 1940April 24, 1951V, H
Veterans Special (VSLI)April 25,1951Dec. 31, 1956RS, W
Veterans' Reopened (VRI)May 1, 1965May 2, 1966J, JR, JS

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Get the Coverage Your Family Needs

FSGLI, TSGLI, VGLI, SGLI ... the long list of acronyms and bare minimums may not be enough to cover your family's needs. Explore life insurance options with our free tool, which compares rates and matches you to the coverage you want.

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